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Make Your Readers Want S’More By Keeping It Fresh

We’re visiting my mom this week in California. We only visit about three times a year and sometimes we end up enjoying treats that have been “saved” for us since the last visit (although “preserved” is sometimes more accurate).

Tonight we built a fire and pulled out the s’mores supplies. The date on the marshmallows was March 27, 2010. The graham crackers weren’t in a box…but I can tell you they were NOT manufactured in 2012.

Based on the age of the components, I elected not to make a s’more for myself. But there was  no escape. My sweet six year old blackened a marshmallow and brought it over to me on the skewer declaring, “Look Mommy! I made one just for you!”

How could I resist? I put it all together and smiled as I consumed my sub-standard dessert.

It’s all good. I mean, that’s what you do when you’re a mom, right?

Unfortunately, your customers won’t humor the way your mom will! You can’t serve up the same old email messages over and over again and then expect customers to smile and consume whatever you’re serving up.

It just won’t happen.

How do I know this?

Let me tell you a little story…

A couple years back I had a client who was promoting a software user conference. He’d written a series of emails to go out over a period of about 10 months. But here’s the kicker…

The content of every email was EXACTLY THE SAME except for the price (which was going up by $100 each month) and the date on which the price would go up again. Every thing else was a big repeat…every other week, the same email, for 10 months. That was the plan and about five emails had gone out already with little response.

After opening two emails in a row every customer knew what to expect next…the same old news. The open rate wad going down and no one was registering. That’s when they hired me.

Here’s the problem…

Your customers don’t want old news and repeat emails any more than you want to eat s’mores made with two year old marshmallows!

Fresh works in your in box just like it works when it comes to dessert.

So what do you do when you need to deliver essentially the same message or offer over and over again?

Here’s what we did…

Each month we focused on a different aspect of the event in order to make the conference irresistible:

  • Join us for the early morning hot air balloon ride
  • Don’t miss out on the aerial tram ride and dinner atop the mountain
  • Spouses with love the nearby shops and art district
  • Space is limited for the gold tournament
  • Early registrants are eligible to bid on these special auction items
  • Every room has a hot tub…for the perfect romantic getaway when you bring that special someone

Same offer…different perspective.

All you need to do is make a list of all the great benefits of what you’re offering and shift your perspective in each email.

That’s the secret to making your readers want more by keeping it fresh.

Once we started launching the new email sequence–with new and inviting subject lines, too–the open rates went. Registrations starting coming in. And in the end my client had a higher registration rate than in any previous year.

Keeping your content fresh does more than make it interesting for your readers…fresh content means more money in your pocket and more clients served.

And who doesn’t want s’more of that?

Book Launch Today at InfusionCon 2012

My new book 21 Ways to Build Your Business with Email Marketing launches today!

If you’ll be attending InfusionCon at the Arizona Biltmore, drop by the Information Distributors booth. They’ll be handing out signed copies and I’ll be there autographing books.

I hope to see you there!

Get the Edge and Double Your Sales

I spent nearly all of 2009 creating Infusionsoft’s Double Your Sales Coaching Course. It’s still in beta testing and waiting for a real launch, so don’t spend time looking for it. but if you’d like to visit the website just to make sure I’m not pulling your leg, you can find it at:

The course is based on Clate Mask’s e-book The Edge of Success: 9 Building Blocks to Double Your Sales. I HIGHLY recommend this resource simply because it gives you a quick yet solid foundation for building your online business.

I find that many people struggle with using their Infusionsoft applications because they don’t have a full grasp on the marketing strategy that lies at the heart of follow-up marketing. But once you understand the strategy, you’re better able to implement your own email marketing strategies and really start using Infusionsoft.

If you haven’t read The Edge, it’s an absolute MUST!

You can get this resource FREE by visiting Infusionsoft’s Resources section on their website. Look under E-Books. It’s well worth the read and outlines the basic skills you need to know when it comes to using automated follow-up marketing to power your biz. Or just click here now:


Can You Conquer the 5x Challenge?

I just completed the first full draft of my new free report TODAY. And it’s available to you now if you’d like to fill out the form to the right.

In order to tempt you to download it, here’s the first page to get you going. But before I put that in, I want to give a BIG THANKS to Robert Stanley of Internet Street Fighter and a fellow GKIC member. You wouldn’t have a report to read if it weren’t for him!

One night after a Glazer-Kennedy meeting, I was giving Robert some feedback on his ISF online course ( To me it seemed like the most BASIC information ever, but Robert looked at me and said, “I would TOTALLY pay you for that information!”

Maybe I should be charging? You tell me! I’d like to know what this is worth to you and if it’s helpful, so please come back and post a comment! Thanks and here’s the intro…

Value Spectrum 5x:

How to Create FIVE Levels of Value from ONE Info Product or Idea

There’s no better time than right now to jump into information marketing. Even in a declining economy, people are hungry for information…and they’re willing to pay for it.

BUT not everyone is willing to pay the same price!

And they shouldn’t be limited to one price point. Building an information marketing empire is a lot like creating your own university. Some people may take one course and decide the subject is not for them. Others may want more depth and complexity, so they pay even more for a minor. Others go on to complete a Bachelor’s degree and still others want a Master’s or Ph.D.

My point is that even if you’ve created ONE info-product at one price point, you’ve still got a market full of prospects who may want MORE or less complexity than you’re currently offering. And the deeper they get into the subject matter, the more they’re willing to pay for it. This means OPPORTUNITY.

BUT…this leaves you with a pretty hefty problem. It’s a problem because…well, maybe you only have ONE idea. How are you supposed to take ONE idea and turn it into multiple products that span the spectrum of monetary values from FREE to, let’s say, $5,000? Don’t worry!

Whether you’ve created one product…or more…Value Spectrum 5x makes it easy to back track and do some profitable re-engineering.

And it works when all you have is an idea, too.

ONE IDEA…FIVE levels of value.

That’s Your 5x Challenge.

Swipe and Deploy Downloads Are HERE

Well, sorry about that. I was going to make it easy for everyone by simply attaching the handouts to the email. As it turns out, Infusionsoft won’t let you upload anything larger than 100KB. (No, this was not my feeble attempt to make you come to my website–though I do appreciate the visit.)

So now you’ve got two versions of the workbook I handed out to choose from. If I’ve done it correctly, you should be able to just click the links below to get the goods! Once I’ve also included a link to the 1.5 hour audio presentation. Enjoy!

GKIC Presentation Workbook in Word

GKIC Presentation Workbook in PDF Format

The Ultimate Swipe and Deploy Academy Audio Download