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Can You Conquer the 5x Challenge?

I just completed the first full draft of my new free report TODAY. And it’s available to you now if you’d like to fill out the form to the right.

In order to tempt you to download it, here’s the first page to get you going. But before I put that in, I want to give a BIG THANKS to Robert Stanley of Internet Street Fighter and a fellow GKIC member. You wouldn’t have a report to read if it weren’t for him!

One night after a Glazer-Kennedy meeting, I was giving Robert some feedback on his ISF online course ( To me it seemed like the most BASIC information ever, but Robert looked at me and said, “I would TOTALLY pay you for that information!”

Maybe I should be charging? You tell me! I’d like to know what this is worth to you and if it’s helpful, so please come back and post a comment! Thanks and here’s the intro…

Value Spectrum 5x:

How to Create FIVE Levels of Value from ONE Info Product or Idea

There’s no better time than right now to jump into information marketing. Even in a declining economy, people are hungry for information…and they’re willing to pay for it.

BUT not everyone is willing to pay the same price!

And they shouldn’t be limited to one price point. Building an information marketing empire is a lot like creating your own university. Some people may take one course and decide the subject is not for them. Others may want more depth and complexity, so they pay even more for a minor. Others go on to complete a Bachelor’s degree and still others want a Master’s or Ph.D.

My point is that even if you’ve created ONE info-product at one price point, you’ve still got a market full of prospects who may want MORE or less complexity than you’re currently offering. And the deeper they get into the subject matter, the more they’re willing to pay for it. This means OPPORTUNITY.

BUT…this leaves you with a pretty hefty problem. It’s a problem because…well, maybe you only have ONE idea. How are you supposed to take ONE idea and turn it into multiple products that span the spectrum of monetary values from FREE to, let’s say, $5,000? Don’t worry!

Whether you’ve created one product…or more…Value Spectrum 5x makes it easy to back track and do some profitable re-engineering.

And it works when all you have is an idea, too.

ONE IDEA…FIVE levels of value.

That’s Your 5x Challenge.


  1. Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!

  2. Thanks a lot for that extremely cool post.

  3. Tami-
    Conceptually, I can understand how a person can start with one PRODUCT and somehow turn it into 5 products. But to turn one IDEA into 5 products?? Now that seems magical and well worth reading further. Thanks!

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