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Consulting and Copywriting

Sometimes you just need some objective advice to get started on the right path…to get your marketing program put together.

And sometimes, you want more than that. You want someone to do it for you so it gets done. Painlessly. Effortlessly. Correctly.

Whatever the case may be, that’s where I come in.

Consulting. If you need help getting started, I’m great at putting the architecture of your marketing programs in place. Once you have the steps of your sales funnel mapped out, along with the underlying ad campaigns and follow up strategies, you can start building your marketing machine on your own. This process starts with a consulting day. That’s how I gain insight into your business systems and processes so we can take your business to the next level. I can also show you how to put your marketing machine on auto-pilot, especially if you’re already an Infusionsoft user. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about here, visit and view the demo.)

Copywriting. If you need more assistance and want everything we’ve mapped out at the consulting day implemented for you, you can add copywriting services to your package. I’ll take the architecture of your marketing plan and fill in the blanks. This includes creating free reports, opt-in forms, autoresponder and other follow-up sequences, landing pages, sales letters, whatever is required to connect the dots and get your programs ready for launch.

Individual Coaching. If you’d like to handle the implementation but want more customized guidance where ALL the attention is focused on you and your business, please enquire about setting up a customized coaching program that suits your needs.

If you are interested in Copywriting or Consulting services, please call me to talk about your struggles, challenges and upcoming projects at (530) 378-GROW.

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