Tami Call is the voice for entrepreneurs, experts and professionals who refuse to separate their livelihood from their passions and life purpose. She is devoted to helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs let their light shine and supports this goal by creating programs, courses and coaching opportunities designed to let you be the heart and soul of your business.
Over the past 20 years, Tami has developed a set of skills and expertise that makes her unique among life coaches, consultants, copywriters and online marketers.
Here are just a few of Tami’s recent accomplishments:
- Recently appeared as a featured guest on The Orgena Rose Show, a new talk show hosted by singer, songwriter and TV personality Orgena Rose premiering this Fall.
- Presented at the Wellness Business Owners World Summit alongside world renowned experts, including Michael Port – author of Book Yourself Solid, Michael E. Gerber – author of The E-Myth series, money expert Loral Langemeier, and Chip Wilson – founder of Lululemon.
- Created www.GodandBusinessToday.com, the inbox magazine and online community for faith-centered entrepreneurs, and your best online resource for aligning your faith, work and life purpose.
Author of 21 Ways to Build Your Business with Email Marketing, co-author of 10 Steps to Publishing Your Book with Information Distributors and contributing author to Dare to Be a Difference Maker 2.
- Board Certified Coach candidate with the Institute for Life Coach Training – a program accredited by the International Coach Federation.
- Co-created the Double Your Sales Coaching Course with Infusionsoft’s Founder, Scott Martineau—a course used internally to train Infusionsoft’s own team of coaches.
- Developed over 50 public seminars for the American Management Association, including partnering with the Ken Blanchard Company to create the AMA’s One Minute Manager program.
- Included in Dan Kennedy’s short list of recommended copywriters and former Chapter Director of Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle, Phoenix, AZ.
Businesses Who Trust Tami Call…
An Entrepreneur at Heart…
Having been raised by an electrical engineer turned motel owner and real estate investor, Tami holds a special place in her heart for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
“My dad quit his engineering job when I was four after buying a motel near the L.A. airport. I went to work with him, ran the phone system (which back then was a bunch of cords you’d plug into holes), and enjoyed taking two- and three-week vacations with him and my mom throughout the year. He had a LOT of free time when business was good.”
After experiencing the freedom that attends business ownership, Tami knew she could never be an ordinary employee again. “I learned young that the only way to find true freedom to do what you’d like with your time is to run your own show. So now I do. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Finding Courage to Merge Faith and Business…
After years of developing seminars, then writing copy for Infusionsoft and their clients Tami felt like something was missing. “I would look at my bookshelves full of hundreds of books. Most of them were around two topics…business and faith. I knew there was a purpose to life. And I knew that for many people that purpose could be fulfilled through their businesses. But somehow I couldn’t accept the idea that merging the two into a business of my own was possible…or permissible!”
Then Tami had a life changing coaching experience. “I had done some copywriting for a colleague of mine who, in return, wanted to do some coaching with me to help me get clear about my life purpose. He walked me through a coaching exercise that opened my eyes to my purpose. It was the beginning of a new direction in life. After this 90 minute exercise, he concluded, ‘Your purpose is to self-actualize by helping others maximize their potential.’ My first response was, ‘You can’t make a business out of that!’ But I was so wrong.”
Discovering Life Coaching…
Tami didn’t immediately know how to build a business around her life purpose. Somehow charging money for something that seemed like a spiritual pursuit didn’t seem right. Then she discovered the field of life coaching.
“I had heard the term ‘life coach’ and thought it sounded pretty hokey. ‘Who needs a coach to help you live your life?’ I thought. Then a colleague recommended a book to me called Becoming a Professional Life Coach. In reading that book, I found dozens of exercises to help people get clear about their purpose and calling. I was amazed. I had no idea a profession like this existed!”
Tami went on to enroll in the Institute for Life Coach Training. “Coach training is immensely valuable. You learn to listen…not just to your clients but to what your heart and soul are sensing about their deepest needs. You learn to ask questions, not just tell people what to do. It has allowed me to experience and create amazing transformations with my clients.”
What Tami loves most is connecting to the Divine. “I’d always known I could get ‘answers’ for myself. It had never occurred to me that I could sense things that are important for others. One day I was working with a client. As she was talking, I had this sense that she needed to write a book. When she paused in her conversation, I said, ‘I’m curious. Have you ever thought about writing a book?’ Immediately she began to cry and told me how she ‘known for so long’ it was something she needed to do. There is amazing work to be done in your life when you are willing to work in the context of your life purpose.”
The Making of God and Business Today…
Tami knew that helping people align their work, faith and life purpose would require a good dose of inspiration on a regular basis. But exactly what that was, she didn’t know.
However, Tami will tell you that your talents often lead you into unexpected paths to your purpose. She learned this first hand when working on a video shoot with a client.
“I had arranged for a friend of mine to be the customer in a video training series for a local company. Although she knew the product well, at the last minute she decided she wasn’t comfortable just talking straight into the camera and asked if I would interview her instead. I’d never interviewed anyone before, but of course I agreed.”
“Her husband and the film crew were there during the two hour series of interview-style videos. When we were done, her husband said, ‘You’re really good at interviewing. You should do more of that. What do you think you’d like to interview people about?”
After a few days of thought, she knew her answer. “I told him I’d like to interview people about the role of God, faith and prayer in their business lives. He looked at me funny and said, ‘Well, I don’t know how you’d monetize that!’ But I knew I was on to something.”
Just over 18 months later, Tami launched the online community www.GodandBusinessToday.com where real life inspiration and business education meet. Her weekly ezine and monthly interviews inspire entrepreneurs and professionals around the globe to align their work, faith and purpose and to make a living doing what they love.
From Copywriter and Course Developer to Breakthrough to Brilliance Coach and Business Educator…
As she continued to focus on helping clients align their work, faith and life purpose, Tami discovered the need to transition away from “giving a man a fish” (by writing copy and developing courses for her clients) into “teaching men to fish.”
She created the Breakthrough to Brilliance Program—a seven-step system that helps entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, authors and trainers make the leap from being unseen, unheard and unnoticed to letting their light shine.
“When you have someone to guide you through the process you can save time and heartache aligning your life purpose with your business. You can short cut the process of letting the world know about you and your message. That’s the goal of Breakthrough to Brilliance. This system, when followed, will help anyone get on purpose, do more good in the world…and make a good living at the same time.”
The Breakthrough to Brilliance System
Breakthrough to Brilliance walks you through seven steps. None of them can be skipped. None can be left out. Here is a summary of the steps.
Step 1: Be Clear—Your greatest success in business will come when you are clear about and aligned with your purpose. The best marketing in the world won’t help if you are not clear about who you are, what you alone can offer, who your ideal client is, what your ideal client wants, and exactly how you transform their world.
Step 2: Be Credible—Your most authentic self is your most credible self. People engage experts they know, like and trust. In both your online and offline marketing, you must convey a unique charisma, allure and influence that encourages your Ideal Client to engage your services.
Step 3: Be Connected—Transforming your business from a relatively unknown fountain of knowledge of valuable and life-changing information to one that changes the lives of others for good requires connection. The initial connection with others is adding them to your list and beginning to build a relationship of trust.
Step 4: Be Consistent—Once you have connected to your ideal clients, the next challenge is to be consistent about staying in touch with them. This is where follow-up comes into play.
Step 5: Be Creative—Creativity is about more than just a thought process. You must be actively creating materials that can be repurposed into products, programs, coaching tools and more.
Step 6: Be Constructive—Once you have created a sufficient collection of information, it is time to Be Constructive by assembling your creations into products and programs.
Step 7: Be Conspicuous—Being conspicuous means being more visible in your Ideal Clients’ world. One of the most important goals I have for you is to go from being unseen, unheard and unnoticed to being seen, heard, noticed and purchased from. This requires you to Be Conspicuous!
Bonus Step: Be Courageous—The word “courageous” comes from the French word “coeur” meaning heart. You must become brave enough to believe and live the truth that you are the heart and soul of your business…and then act to make that truth a reality.
To learn more, download a complimentary copy of my new book 7 Steps to Brilliance: How to Make the Leap from Being Unseen, Unheard and Unnoticed to Letting Your Light Shine HERE.